18 Overrated Things

*2-Minute Read*

There are some things that basically everyone seems to enjoy. But, remember, there's always a minority group that disagrees. And these are the items where I am in that small population: 

1) Bacon 
(Photo Credit: simplyrecipes.com)

It's an extremely mediocre-tasting food that is nowhere near healthy.     
2) Celebrity Worship
They're imperfect people like you and me. 

3) Cigars
The smell is vile. If you have to smoke, just stick with cigarettes. 

4) Country Music
You can't really "get down" to country music, you know? And most of the songs aren't ideal for slow dancing either.

(Photo Credit: Amazon)
5) Fidget Spinners 
There's other things you can use like tiny balls and Play Doh that aren't as problematic. 

6) Getting Drunk
After feeling like a drunk person (nauseous on and off) for an entire semester at age 20, I promised myself I would never get drunk later on. 

7) Gryffindor 
They're kinda full of themselves. Ravenclaw ftw! 

8) Instagram
You can post pictures on Facebook and Twitter, too. 

9) Luxury Items 
If there's one item that costs $100 and another with a different label that costs $10, I'm going with the $10 one. 
(Photo Credit: Amazon)

10) Nutella
Peanut butter is better, tbh.                                                         

11) Perfection 
It's impossible, so why is it expected sometimes?

12) Political Social Media Posts
No one's mind will ever be changed politically just because of your rant on social media. 

13) Popularity 
I was never popular, but had a blast with my friends. No regrets. 

14) Prom
It's fun and all, but people tend to equate it to something like your baptism or high school graduation. It's not that important. 

15) Running
I lost over 50 pounds by walking and watching what I ate. No need to hurt my knee running.

(Photo Credit: Twitter)

16) Starbucks
It smells disgusting so, no, I'm not tasting it. Plus, I'm not paying that much either.

17) Tindr 
Dating someone just because you're in the same location is not a good idea.    

18) Twilight Series 
There's better series out there. 

Comment down below or like this post on social media if you'd like to see the things I find underrated next!

- Liv
