42 Items to Add to Your Bucket List

*4-Minute Read*

Why building a bucket list is a great idea
(Photo Credit: masshinitt.com)

We all have those desires to fulfill before we die. And, of the things we've already done, there are some that stick out. It's those memories that always put smiles on our faces when we reflect on them. It's the joy of those moments that reminds us how precious life is.

Here are just some examples of that:

1) Paddle-board

I'm from Lake Charles, Louisiana. You'd think I would've done this by now.

2) Gamble
Once again, I'm from Lake Charles (home of Golden Nugget and Lauberge du Lac). I'm 24 years old. You'd think I would've done this by now.

3) Be in two or more places at once
One of the best spots has got to be the Four Corners (Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah).

4) Spend the night at a hotel with a cave pool
Oh, and the cave pool comes with each room. Ultimate privacy.

5) Climb to the top of a lighthouse                                           
There's so many in this world, yet I've never been.

6) Ride an elevator (because no way should anyone climb) up a skyscraper
Check! I've been to two in New York and two in Illinois.

7) Visit a car-less town
My top sites are Mackinac Island, Michigan and Venice, Italy.

8) Drink at an ice bar
I've only peered into one. Minus 5 in New York looks amazing, though.

9) Drink on a floating tiki bar
I was so envious of those people in Florida...

10) Spend the night at an ice hotel
Because I fall asleep in chilly temperatures, not humid ones.

11) Visit a cave and/or cavern
Check! I went to a cavern long ago, but I forgot what it was called and where it was.

12) Eat pizza in Italy
I've never had my favorite food in its birthplace.

13) Float on a lazy river
I've never floated down a natural river, but I've floated down a man-made one too many times to count.

14) Go on an African safari
I will find the absolute safest one out there.

15) Go to a spa
Because a visit may be helpful for me.

16) Let go of a floating lantern
Check! But I do want to go to the festival in Thailand.

17) Visit a chapel with a glass backdrop
Check! Chapel of the Ozarks in Missouri is an absolute beaut.

18) Ride a ferry
Check! I've ridden on one in both Louisiana and Texas.

19) Ride a panoramic train
There are several gorgeous routes that you can view via floor-to-ceiling windows. I want on. 

20) Visit a fjord in Norway
They just appear to be so majestically beautiful..

21) Visit a ghost town
I wanted to visit Centralia, Pennsylvania, but they're covering up the graffiti road. I'll have to find another top choice.

22) Sand-surf
My top site for this is Great Sand Dunes National Park in Colorado. I will likely fall often.

23) Sand-sled
My top site for this is White Sands National Park in New Mexico. This should go more smoothly.

24) Sky-dive indoors
Because I'm never doing it outdoors. 

25) Visit a walk-through aquarium
Check! My favorite is probably the one at the Dallas Aquarium.

26) Snow-tube
Check! I did so many years ago in Colorado, and I'd love to do it again.

27) Water-tube
Check! Plenty of times.

28) Spend the night at an overwater bungalow
Y'all, there are more of them than you probably think. And some are cheap.

29) Spend the night at an underwater hotel
Though I'll be a little anxious, it's gotta be the epitome of beauty.

30) Visit a salt flat
The largest one is in Bolivia, and the one in Utah looks amazing, too.

31) Visit a wax statues museum
About a year or two ago, I went to the Madame Toussaud's in Texas.

32) Swim with an animal (i.e., dolphin, manatee, sea lion...)
I'm discounting the times where someone's dog has swam in the same pool I'm in.

33) Visit a beach with uniquely colored sand
I've only been to beaches with normally colored sand. Pictures of red, orange, green, pink, and black sand beaches look stunning.

34) Visit a biluminescent beach
It's basically a beach that glows in the dark. I mean, I gotta see that.

35) Swim in an infinity pool
Check! Just refer to the picture on the right.

36) Tour a legitimate castle
Bavaria, I'm looking at you first. There's several gorgeous ones there.

37) Visit every Disney park in the world
I've been to Disney World around 8 times. The rest... I'm at zero.

38) Visit every Universal Studios park in the world
I'm at zero for all of them.

39) Watch the Northern lights in an igloo hotel
I want to spend the night at Borealis Basecamp in Alaska and Kakslautten Arctic Resort in Finland.

40) Zip-line
Check! I finally did so this past summer in Florida.

41) Visit every national park in the USA
So far, I've been to three - Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone.

42) Visit every wonder of the world
Sigh. I've been to none of the seven.

So, in total, I can check off 10 of the 42. And I've partially completed an additional three. Is there anything I missed? Anything I should omit? How many have you done? Comment down below!

- Liv
