20 Things I Hate

*2-Minute Read*

A few weeks ago, I wrote about things I find overrated. I like those things, just not as much as everyone else seems to. But what don't I like? Here goes...

(Photo Credit: Pinterest)
1) Lip rings                                

They just look painful.    

2) When people pronounce "pecan" as "pee-can" 

That pronunciation makes them sound like the opposite of good food.

3) Normal names that are misspelled 

I'd rather you name your kid some made-up name than make your kid have to correct spelling for his/her whole life.

4) When people wear sunglasses indoors 

Unless you've gotten your eyes dilated or something, you come off pretentious. I don't like pretentiousness.  

5) Unsolicited opinions 

I'm very opinionated and stubborn. If I agree with you, I don't need to hear it. If I don't agree, you're not changing my mind. 

6) When waiters bring you a refill when you're nowhere near done with your drink

It gives me unnecessary pressure to finish the first drink, so I'm not wasteful. 

7) Chain messages 

Those "share this or you'll die" messages used to scare me so much. And the sweet ones make me cringe. 

8) When YouTube posters disable comments 

If you can't handle the criticism (that isn't pure hatred), get off the Internet. 

9) Some national news networks 

It's almost nothing but a few people's political opinions. The news is supposed to be predominantly factual. 

10) When teachers read to students out loud 

For almost every student, it's such a waste of time. We can read passages ourselves. 

11) Super revealing clothing

It's just awkward.  

12) When parents ignore their child in public

I don't want to listen to your crying kid and/or feel like I have to supervise them. 

13) Commercials  

I don't need a restroom break that badly. 

14) When people refuse to admit their wrongdoings

Denial sucks. I have much more respect for those who admit their mistakes; we all make them. 

15) Fake people 

My mom has always said "honesty is the best policy." 

16) When charity organizations don't spend the majority of their money made on the actual charity 

I understand that there needs to be a budget for marketing and other things but, if most of the dough is going to that, that's misleading. 

17) Entitlement  

You work for things in life. Deserving people don't do nothing. 

18) When people try to force their beliefs on others

(Photo Credit: Amazon)
Refer to #5. 

19) Wet socks 

My feet are already cold, and it just feels disgusting. 

20) Heaters                                        

Yes, even after this ice storm, I feel like I'm suffocating when one is on. 

Stay tuned for the 20 things I love!

- Liv 
