20 Things I Love

*2-Minute Read*

I've never looked happier. (Giordano's in Chicago)

Last week, I wrote about the 20 things I hate. Now, to show you that I'm a balanced individual, I'm going to share the 20 things I love. 

1) Those random shows on TLC

I don't know why I find My 600-Lb. LifeDr. Pimple Popper, and Toddlers & Tiaras so fascinating, but I do. 

2) Bluntness 

Just tell me what's up without delay. 

3) People speaking loudly 

I feel awkward when I have to continually say "huh?" to people. 

4) Chaise lounges 

It's not as lazy as lying in bed, but you don't have to sit upright either. 

5) World War II historical fiction 

An interesting story with an interesting time period is the best combination. 

6) True competitions 

It's so much more rewarding to win a contest than just be awarded for participation. 

7) People respecting opposite opinions 

We all come from different backgrounds, have different priorities, and just see things differently. It's such a relief when others recognize that. 

8) That feeling you get just after a haircut

Ah, it's so fresh. Literally a weight off your shoulders. 

9) Ambition

I can't imagine having none. 

10) Lofts

It's just so cozy and cute. 

11) Cursive handwriting 

It's a shame they're not teaching it in some schools anymore. It's quicker to write and prettier than print handwriting. 

12) Cruise control

My right knee is iffy, so it's nice to have a break from the gas/brake rotation. 

13) Air conditioners 

They feel amazing, especially when I'm going to bed. 

14) Inside Edition 

They report a variety of news that have nothing to do with politics.

15) BuzzFeed

It's the same as Inside Edition, but with those fun quizzes. 

16) Crosswords 

There's something so satisfying about finally figuring out that long word...

17) Cough drops

As long as you're sucking on one, it's amazing how helpful they are.  

18) Print books 

E-readers and audiobooks can never replace bookshelf aesthetic and that feeling of flipping pages. 

19) Moon sand 

I can be more creative with this stuff than with normal sand.

20) Deep dish pepperoni pizza 

It's heaven on a plate. 

So, what is something you love (besides Lists to "Liv" By, of course)?

- Liv 
